This is a blog for my daughter Scarlett. She was born with a complex congenital heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia. She is my little hero.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

We're Hooooome.

Apria delivered the oxygen tank around 6:45pm last night, so the hospital discharged us and we were home by 7:30pm. It was nice to have Scarlett home and not connected to the heart monitors, blood pressure cuff, and pulse-ox...but the oxygen obviously came home with us.

She really hates having it in her nose and she keeps pulling it out. I had to wake up about 5-6 times last night to put it back in her nose. Her eyeballs got plenty of oxygen last night... Here is a pic I took of what I woke up to multiple times last night (I took it this morning).

Violet woke up this morning and said "what's that mommy?", and I said "It's an oxygen tank", and she said "Oxygen Tank", and I said "yes.. it's for Scarlett". Last night when Violet saw Scarlett, she said "Mommy, Scarlett has a boo-boo!.. ", and I said "yeah", and she said "We need to go home and get a bandage!" So this morning when we were moving Scarlett from the bedroom to the living room, Violet hugged the oxygen tank and said "I love it mommy", and I said "You love the oxygen tank?", and she said "yes!", then she proceeded to give the oxygen tank a big hug. I had to take a pic. The O2 tank got lots of love from Violet this morning.

Scarlett slept pretty well last night. and the oxygen tank is literally silent.

She's in a good mood this morning. I'm sure she's happy to be home with mommy, daddy and big sister Violet.

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