I got a call from Beth today (Scarlett's cardiologist) about what she heard from Dr. Pophal (cardiologist who did Scarlett's heart cath) regarding the 'cardiac conference' (meeting of all the cardiologists responsible for Scarlett's care) which took place yesterday morning.
Beth said that Dr. Cleveland (Scarlett's pediatric heart surgeon) favors the full repair (yay!), and he'll be scheduling a surgical consult with us in the next week. I told Beth that Laverne (medical assistant for Dr. Cleveland) already called me to schedule it for Friday. Beth said Dr. Cleveland is gonna want to meet Scarlett and discuss with us the plan for her next surgery.
I said: "Do I have to bring Scarlett with us??, because I wasn't planning on it?", and Beth says "Yes, you have to bring her so Dr. Cleveland can examine her (pre-surgery)", and I'm thinking to myself... ahh crud... Only because if it was just me and Todd going, we can leave work, go to the appt, then go right back to work and only miss 1-2 hours of work. But if we have to take Scarlett with us, then I have to go to work in downtown Phoenix (3rd Street Van Buren), leave...drive all the way back home to get Scarlett (51st Ave/Baseline), turn around and drive all the way back to the hospital (5th Ave/Thomas)... go to the appt, then drive all the way back home in Laveen, just to turn around and drive all the way back to work downtown. (total time 3-4 hours). I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not, I just wasn't planning on taking her.
Luckily Todd will leave work earlier to go back home to get Scarlett (while I stay at work), then after the consult, I'll take Scarlett back home, so he can go immediately back to work, so it all works out in the end. No worries.
I'm gonna be at the Scott and Laura Eller Congenital Heart Center (S&LE CHC) at St. Joseph's Hospital on Friday, September 18 for the surgical consult, then again on Monday, September 21st for the photo shoot. What photo shoot you may ask? Well, the S&LE CHC is going to be publishing a heart calendar of heart babies (who are patients at the S&LE CHC) for 2010.
The calendar's month of June is designated as Tetralogy of Fallot [TOF] month. Scarlett is going to be cover girl for June with fellow TOF heart babies: Addison B, Brooklyn, Ellery, Angel, Erik, Mikaela, and Gabriel. June will have a beach theme, and the kids will all be sitting together in a beach-like setting. I think it'll be great! Which reminds me that if you would like to purchase a heart-baby 2010 calendar, please email me and let me know! melodiemendivil@gmail.com
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