Well, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Christmas for my girls. Christmas Eve (Dec. 26) we read them "Twas The Night Before Christmas", and we laid out cookies and milk for Santa.
We tucked the girls in bed.... and I took pictures of 'visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads'. : )
Then Santa came!! He left a ton of presents for all 4 of us under the tree (which was previously completely void of presents).
He ate the cookies and drank the milk too!!
Christmas morning (Dec 27), Scarlett was the first to wake up... after daddy of course. I absolutely love this picture below, because when Scarlett woke up, she was sitting up in her crib with one binky in her mouth and 3 (count them, three!) more binky's in her hands. I always keep extra binky's in her crib so at night when she's crying and I can't see, I can just feel around for one and pop it right in. She loves her binkys, but this picture makes her look like a binky junky. ; ) [btw: her pjs say "Baby's First Christmas"]
Then finally, Violet woke up and the present opening began!
Then they took turns opening presents.
Scarlett was so adorable opening up presents. She is such a little perfect little doll.

Violet was super excited to open every present each with the same amount of enthusiasm as the previous. After each present Violet unwrapped, she exclaimed "OPEN IT!! Open it!!" to daddy, because she immediately wanted to play with each and every one of her toys. Daddy induldged her, of course (it's Christmas!)
Scarlett was just happy to be with her family.
Behold!! Crayons!!!
Scarlett was a lot more tame at present opening, but then again, Scarlett is a lot more tame at EVERYTHING compared to my little spitfire, Violet.
They got such cool and neat toys from their auntie Susan. Scarlett got this super cool Tinkerbell chair that converts to a sleepingbag and pillow!
And Auntie Susan gave Violet this super cool Tinkerbell table and chairs!! Violet loves it!
A very special shout out goes to auntie Susan. She is such an amazing lady who adores Scarlett. She checks my blog regularly, prays for Scarlett regularly, brings special presents to Violet (who may feel left out at times) regularly, lights candles regularly, posts pictures of Scarlett on a "Scarlett wall" at work regularly, and is a total advocate and champion for my CHD baby. I am so thankful that God brought her in my life via Todd's work. Susan brought us bags (yes, bags) of presents for Violet, Scarlett and ME(!) for Christmas. She is a very generous and thoughtful person. Susan, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are such a warm, caring, and special person. Thank you so much for making our Christmas extra special this year. Thank you for everything you've done for my family.
Okay, back to the Christmas blog, well, later that day/night Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kerri came over and brought the girls this really cool Art Easel. Todd and Kevin put it together that night.
Here is the finished product:
I couldn't have hoped for a more joyous and perfect Christmas for the girls. They had a blast opening up presents, eating breakfast that daddy made them (chorizo and eggs), playing with their new toys, and then hanging out with family later that day. It was a great day and I feel truly blessed. Thank you God, for all the blessings of the day. : )